Course Details

Enhancing Your Leadership Skills

About this Course:

They say that leaders are born, not made. But that could not be further from the truth. So many leaders rose to the occasion in the midst of adversity. Often, simple people who have never had a leadership role will stand up and take the lead when a situation they care about requires it. Evidently, leadership is a skill that can be learnt by any employee, if the motivation for it exists.

Once you learn the techniques of true leadership, you will be able to build the confidence required to take the lead. True leaders transform others through inspiration, vision, strategy, and empowerment. They embrace obstacles and turn difficulties into opportunities. Above all, the art of leadership empowers them with an indomitable drive, selflessness, and immense optimism.

With our Enhancing Your Leadership Skills workshop, your participants will discover the specifics of how to be a better leader for themselves and for others by applying different leadership styles. Participants will be able to guide themselves in positive ways, improve communication, make better decisions, and manage conflict, which equals success! Members will gain insights on how to harbor respectful relationships, engage teams, and create clear goals for themselves and the organization. They will also discover powerful proven mindsets of successful leaders such as discipline, willpower, resilience, and positive thinking.

Course Content:

  • Evolution of leadership
  • Situational leadership
  • Introduction to Kouzes and Posner
  • Modeling the way
  • Being an inspirational role model
  • Influencing others
  • Inspiring a shared vision
  • Challenging the process
  • Developing your inner innovator
  • Encouraging growth in others
  • Importance of trust
  • Celebrating wins
  • Art of persuasion and creating an impact
  • Resolving workplace conflict
  • Setting goals and strategic planning
  • Mindsets of successful leaders – personal application
  • Behavior focus
  • Importance of physical wellbeing
  • Real-life scenarios and interactive revision
  • Meditation

You Will Learn:

  1. Definition of leadership and its evolution.
  2. Situational leadership model.
  3. Abilities crucial for successful leadership – introduction to Kouzes and Posner.
  4. Creating an action plan for self-improvement and enhancement to achieve leadership goals.
  5. How to become an example for others to model and influence others through behavior.
  6. Choosing and communicating your vision.
  7. Importance of thinking outside the box and the art of developing your inner innovator.
  8. How to encourage and enable others to grow to their potential.
  9. The importance of trust with colleagues, management, etc.
  10. Sharing rewards, appreciation, and celebrating accomplishments.
  11. Basic influencing skills and how to create an impact.
  12. Conflict resolution techniques at the workplace.
  13. How to set goals as a leader using the SMART goals model and long-term plan.
  14. Personal growth and attributes/mindsets to adopt to become an effective leader – including positive thinking, discipline, emotional intelligence, and resilience.
  15. Positive and negative behaviors that impact the effectiveness of leadership.
  16. How physical wellbeing contributes to personal effectiveness and optimal productivity.

This is your course if you are looking to:

  • Understand the different theories and evolution behind leadership.
  • Learn leadership principles for yourself and team members for their growth.
  • Discover the strengths of the situational leadership style researched by Hersey and Blanchard.
  • Implement the five abilities of successful leaders introduced by Kouzes and Posner.
  • Learn how to uplift and transform others through inspiration, vision, empowerment, and passion.
  • Imbibe and adopt the various characteristics of a good leader such as honesty, expertise, fairness, courage, etc.
  • Influence others positively and inspire loyalty.
  • Effectively communicate your vision to others.
  • Think outside of conventional paradigms and develop innovative strategies.
  • Influence change in teams or the organization.
  • Encourage growth in others through respect, trust, and action.
  • Learn ways of celebrating wins, share rewards, and acknowledge milestones.
  • Gain insights on how to persuade others and create an impact.
  • Resolve conflicts efficiently and effectively.
  • Set SMART goals to achieve your target or vision.
  • Leap forward in leadership skills by adopting powerful mindsets of the successful – discipline, positive thinking, inner motivation, grit, and more.
  • Develop behaviors conducive to leadership at its best and reject those that are detrimental.
  • Learn to factor in physical wellness for optimal function and personal effectiveness.